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your support is everything
the support from the community is what pushes this project to completion.
I am currently a single developer working and funding this project myself and any support you give goes a long, long way in getting this game to release.


the game is currently funded by the wage of the lead developer due to the game having no funding or backing and being an individual-developed game.
donations to the project will help cover the running costs of the game such as the website and social medal. donations will also help fund developmental needs such as programs and equipment. card samples are also a cost to ensure the quality of the cards is at the correct standard.
in the future, we plan to have an honorable list and reward system for donators.

Sample Pack
Core First Edition Sample pack

Sample Pack 2
Core First Edition Sample pack

Website Work
Website Work

Sample Pack
Core First Edition Sample pack
Social Media

social media
our social media is the only way the world can see the game and it allows everyone to stay connected as a community
all our social media platforms allow us to provide everyone with updates on the game, share what we are working on, and reveal aspects of the game.
sharing and liking our content on social media helps with spreading the word about the game and will bring the game to others to eventually paly.

Purchase the Game

purchase the game
when the game releases the best way to support this game is to purchase the game there will be different packages for you to purchase to allow you to collect the game.
the game will begin by using Kickstarter to release the game due to funding but eventually, a shop will be setup on our website for direct purchases.

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